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Re: [microsound] Videos and Microsound

Niklas Werner wrote:
On Mon, 24 May 2004 22:58, Alex Young wrote:

How do people make videos for their work?  I've seen Jitter, and I
assume this
is what most people use, but I don't really want to use this because
it's expensive.

pd and gem *might* be an alternative... (though not really, although I'm sure Derek will prove me wrong)

I'll try! ;-)

If Alex is working on Linux, or on any other Unix-compatible system [including OSX], he might find PDP and PiDiP vey useful. GEM is great for OpenGL stuff, but clumsey for simply working with video. First one has to create a 3D Open GL object [like a cube, with one side of the cube facing the front to make a square] and then one must map video onto that. Kind of a lot of work just to see the pictures move!

PDP works with packets of video, which can be routed and manipulated inseveral ways. PDP is still very young, but gets more and more exciting all the time. PiDiP is a set of extra stuff made for PDP. It isn't quite as stable as PDP [and is more complicated to compile too], but it offers some basic [if cliche] effecTV filters, objects for video streaming, and some basic motion-tracking and other goodies.

For more info, see here:

PDP info:

PDP download [must have PD plus some other libs installed, check the README]:

PiDiP info + downloads:

Other free + open source video tools:


FreeJ also available as part of Dynebolic live CD:


LiVES [Linux Video Editing System]:

Kino [video editing]:

Cinelerra [pro quality video editing... don't let the ugly theme fool you!]:

Blender [pro 3D game engine/modeller]:

good luck!
derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 124:
"Once the search is in progress, something will be found"

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