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Generative Sounds

I would be curious to hear thoughts about this work on the list.
I have been listening for several hours.
A brief description below.
I have been working on something similar for image and hope to get it up


June 23, 2004 
Movin' with rand()%

Every night, I dream of a vast machine. It eternally shuffles quantum
states; it churns all the integers of a complex equilibrium. It's sound that
is at the same time landscape; pure extension and span. This condition has
persisted for weeks, and I blame it on artists Tom Betts and Joe Gilmore,
whose rand()% project seems to have commandeered my RealOne Player.
Commissioned by Huddersfield England's Media Centre Network, this internet
radio station devotes itself entirely to generative and algorithmically
mediated music. Every program rand()% plays is composed afresh in real time;
in essence, it's a soundbot. With talents like Itialian digital artist Lia
and late German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen in the mix, I'm finding it
very hard to sleep. - Lewis LaCook

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