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Symbiosis Playlist - 20/6/04
Experimental Sound Textures and Rhythms
Headphones recommended
12am - 2am Sunday nights
(1pm - 3pm Sunday afternoon GMT)
Time Zone Converter: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter2.htm
(Show broadcasts in GMT +10)
102.7 FM, Melbourne, Australia
Listen online: http://www.rrr.org.au
c/o Triple R
PO Box 304
Fitzroy, VIC 3068
presented by Simon Hampson
Hi everyone,
I hope this week's email finds you all well... things are finally coming
together again after a busy start to the year.
This Sunday 27th I will be joined by:
- Michael Graeve (http://www.abc.net.au/arts/adlib/stories/s855925.htm) to
chat about his performance piece at Australian Culture Now
- Brendan Palmer to chat about Environ, held monthly on the first Sunday at
Loop (http://www.environline.net/) (second one coming up on 4th).
Coming Soon:
4th July: J.Frede joins me on the phone from Los Angeles to talk about his
new collaboration with Scanner, j.frede rewrites scanner's diary (see:
www.current-recordings.com and www.jfrede.com)
In the pipeline: Monthly label features, exclusive Sub Rosa mix, Liquid
Architecture 5 features
Until next week...