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RE: [microsound] [ot] naming mushrooms...

in Finnish:
(only one term)

Karri O.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mika Martini [mailto:mikamartini@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2004 6:22
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] [ot] naming mushrooms...

in spanish: callampa, champiños, hongo.

saludos, Mika Martini

vze26m98 <vze26m98@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 7/23/04 at 2:09 PM, pelagius pelagius

> That's interesting because Gordon and Valentina Wasson also noted the
> Russian affinity toward mushrooms. They were the first americans to
> search out and identify psychedelic mushrooms cultures in Mexico and
> they initially became interested in mycology after noticing different
> cultural attitudes to mushrooms. Valentina (born in Russia) loved to
> pick wild mushrooms while Gordon feared them, considering them
> all to be dangerous and poisonous.

They pointed out that mycologically-savvy cultures had one name for
mushrooms, where cultures that feared the great forest had two. For
example, although this is probably where I'll get in trouble with the
global list membership:

english: mushroom, toadstool
french: champignon, crapaudin
german: steinpilz, (only one name, right?)

anybody care to fill in:


all the rest?


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