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Re: [microsound] ppc-oriented Linux(was: Gentoo for MacOS)

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:03, Arie van Schutterhoef wrote:

Hey Arie, you're good at being devil's advocate ;-)

> >(Did you have a look at the source code?,
> -Do you have to? Open source propagandists have a obsession
>  with source codes... Users don't give a toss about source codes.
>  If it runs okay that's fine....
totally correct, I don't spend my time reading source code normally, but 
then, if I need to I can even change it. And you can't claim to have 
total control of what an OS does until you saw its source code or made 
some decent reverse engineering attempts.
(And software that uses unnecessary amounts of resources or claims 
resources in an unnecessarily dictatorial fashion(think ProTools) for me 
is not running okay)
> -It does the things it needs to or rather, does the things I want it
>  to do, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. The same problem with
>  every OS...

> >that's just as fine with me,
> -Awfully nice of you...
You know I said that to keep the flames away...

> Frankly I'm quite looking forward delving into Irix on
> the SGI...

Good on ya, but be warned, IRIX is an awful character... Linux or *BSD are 
much nicer.


Computer Music PhD-student
University of Waikato
New Zealand

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