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Re: [microsound] ppc-oriented Linux(was: Gentoo for MacOS)
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:21, Arie van Schutterhoef wrote:
> >you provoked it... my highly subjective and slightly romantic account:
> -Most certainly and I'm going to enjoy it with a similar notion...
> -My does too and I use Mac OS 9...
This is very nice, but what do you do when you have the need for a new
machine that inevitably won't run OS 9 anymore?
> >- I have only the services running I really use (no iChat-auto-popup
> >notifier, no finder-indexing-auto-daemon, no iTunes that eats up
> > bloody 20% of my CPU for simple mp3-playback!...)
> -I only switch on what I need...
<angry OS9 rant>
This may be a bit deceiving. How can you be sure you actually _can_ switch
off things. (Did you have a look at the source code?, can you actually
influence what the system does at startup, or for that matter, at any
time? I don't think so. Can you even have a process list under OS 9
without buying additional software? AFAIK Os 9 doesn't even come with a
telnet-client. Let alone the non-existent multitasking...)
</angry OS9 rant>
But to be fair, there's still software that I need running only under OS9,
albeit only the VL1m-editor is left...
And I need to stress: If you _are_ happy with whatever OS you are running,
that's just as fine with me, I'm not trying to convert anybody.
Computer Music PhD-student
University of Waikato
New Zealand
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