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[microsound] We Need Quantum Ninjas, This Is Not Art, Newcastle, sept 30/oct 04 2004

This is a shoutout. Please forward strategicically to interested friends you may have, and blessings upon you if you are polite enough to ignore our flagrant cross-posting.

Quantacrib is into its second year of madcrazy improvised electronic/realworld crossover art. A big impro jamthing with fun, and light and sound and spontaneity, stained with greasy residues of avant-electro styling. Yup. It's all part of the fun at Electrofringe festival, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, sept30-oct04, 2004. www.electrofringe.org to find out about that.

But, more about us. We need, well, we need you.

We want to explore crossovers between VJs and DJs, between laptoppers, MCs and poets and hiphoppers and hopscotchers. Between painters, and sculptors, performance artists, installation artists and runaway graffiti artists, between cutenpasters, set-designers, costumers, junk percussionists, gamelan composers and aficionados of playing tag on the monkey bars. You know, breaking down the good old audience-performer divide and plumbing the depths of improvised creativity. That kind of thing.

Do you have an idea that combines any of these elements, or possibly other elements that aren't invented yet? A dream-team of electrofringe attendees that you want to engage in a jam session? A great idea for making techno from the sound of rupturing paint tins? A dance performance for a blindfolded audience? Something that know will curl our hairs with delight, but is just a bit too stupid to be safely done in a nightclub to handbag house choones without risking a lynching?

We provide you a venue packed with microphones, pheromones, network cables, sensors, paint, paper, projectors and speakers, and a chance to rule over a tiny improvised empire for just one evening. The rule is: it has to be spontaneous, and it has to be collaborative. Rehearsal is only ok if you pretend you haven't done it.

We are doing a shout out now for
1. People with crazy ideas of jam sessions, experimental performances or interactive what-have-yous that they wish to create. (so far we have data-sharing laptop jams, shadow-tracing, collaborative wall comics, sample looping in pitch darkness and an industrial noise-core video jam on the theme of sweatshops, and a whole load of kiwi circus performers. We need more. A lot more.)

2. Installation artists, decorators and designers
If you think you can handle five days of punters interacting, interfering with and manhandling your work: we need you. We want this space to look pretty, or at least intriguing, for all the pretty and intriguing people that will be attending. Please contact us if you are interested in creating a venue to inspire and warp the
minds of innocents and deviants alike, and to test the limits of municipal fire-safety codes.

Get involved:
Contact the notartcadets@xxxxxxxxxxx by July 30, for your limited-time-only opportunity for the most ephemeral type of fame. You'll hear back by August the 3rd. Go on.

Quanta -------: undefined possibilities floating our in space before
-------------- they become realized
Crib ---------: a small jail-like contraption for containing young
-------------- children so they don't maim themselves
Quantacrib ---: an undefined container for possibilities that might
-------------- otherwise maim themselves.

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