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[microsound] Re: Post links to your favourite free to download microsound pieces

(Of course my own work is always my favorite)


A new compilation album, released just today, has among its contributing
artists quite a few members of this very microsound list.

And the best thing about it is: it's ~~free~~ to download & stream.

"To Ancient Noise: A Webbed Hand Compilation"

Featured on this compilation are the following artists:
brekekekexkoaxkoax, aodl (Jeffrey Shell), Fred Yarm, Saluki Regicide (C.P.
McDill), Spagirus, Naturhistorische Museum der Klänge (Rinus Van Alebeek &
Tibor Macek), mystified, thE sounD of dirT, Djinnestan, Rafael Flores, Kava
Project, forma (Ant Weiss), C. Reider, David Leith, Tree Helicopter, Ronnie
Cramer, J. Dippold, & Onemancult.


C.P. McDill

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