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Re: [microsound] Radio broadcasts of Microsound projects+other broadcast opportunities

A motivtaed and intererested individual might want to
investigate www.archive.org for hosting opportunites.
They are very generous with their space. My
understanding is that they will allow anyone to upload
anything (sound, image, whatever) for free, forever,
the only "string" being that it be uploaded under a
creative commons license (of the uploaders choosing).
If this sounds too good to be true, check it out. I
may be able to be of service to this list in this
regard in a few months, as I may be involved in a
moving image project with them but there's nothing
stopping anyone from looking into it now...

Or maybe www.ubuweb.org would be a home for the
microsound list projects, if anyone would care to

--- Libor Vanc <libor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> wind@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >On 5 Jul 2004 at 22:05, john saylor wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>i think you should stream the entire .microsound
> catalog. of course, i
> >>speak only for myself; but i think the vast
> majority [if not unanimity]
> >>of .microsounders would not object.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >would be a great thing; 
> >is there any community doing similar things on the
> net?
> >j ,.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> I Agree ! That is an excellent idea.
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