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[microsound] Re: microsound Digest 9 Jul 2004 13:17:54 -0000 Issue 1211

yes i also bought cheep record bag from important :)
and now i give it to my friend
and about the remixes
im not sure if all this are included cause there r couple of versions of the release
and i have the promo version so as i can remember kid 606 is not included on mine 
and yes there is also alec empire mix

I own Ikebana (as well as Amlux, and two Important Records shirts... I 
was desperate for cheap clothes, and you can't beat $5 t-shirts), and 
I'd personally advise that you check all the artists before buying it. 
There are some great tracks on there from Negativland, Jack Dangers, 
and John Wiese. In fact most of CD 2 is quite good. CD 1 though you 
have to be in the mood for. The first two artists on the CD do have 
"DJ" in their pseudonyms after all. ;-) Then of course there's the 
track by Alec Empire, which is weak at best. Make no mistake, a lot of 
the CD 1 material is quite fun (I especially like the ones by Custom 
Drummer and Kim Hiorthoy), but just be sure you know what you're 
getting into. ;-) Also, I do not believe Kid 606 is on the album as you 
stated, but I'm not complaining...