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Re: [microsound] :)

why can't you just learn russian? just kidding. first paragraph via 
babelfish, the rest at 'http://badmonkey.org/russian.txt' :

M in Z P R o s in E T 




During March 2004 in Cologne the work of American composer -minimalista 
Morton Feldmana played British pianist John tilberi. Concert produced to 
me large impression.
Music Of feldmana, known to me only on the records, seemed me to that dry, 
impassive, monotonic, fixed, formal and empty.
John tilberi (elderly heavy person) played it with improbable drayvom. 4 
even he said - by rural- wooden drayvom.
Derevyannost' of proceeding cannot be not noted it was. Floor under piano 
and chair of pianist squeaked. Chair rocked and squeaked also. Piano was 
loose, and it was generally first badly disposed, then, as they say, "it 
is prepared": some keys jingled, the sound of another it is rapid glokh. 
Of tilberi it swung by entire body, it breathed as locomotive, something 
muttered or even sang. After playing page, it threw it to the floor, and 
after being tangled in the bundle of notes, made pause, it then took chord 
as if nothing were the matter, as if the length of this pause on the 
search for the following note page was specified by composer. 
Zvukoizvlecheniye was the very living, mobile and squeaking matter. And 
which most surprising - music moved.
On the CD, which I purchased after concert (4CD, "MORTON FELDMAN all piano 
John Tilbury"), squeak, swaying and there was respiration not. But 
nevertheless this - phenomenal record. On the opinions of many - the best 
record of the works of Morton Feldmana for fortepiano.

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