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Re: [microsound] Linux Audio TWiki site

Hi Kim,

Kim Cascone wrote:
I need people to add info on Linux Audio to the page I started

I tried replying to you last week about this, but your mailbox was full or something, so it didn't go through.

I'm travelling in Iceland right now. [In fact, listers in Reykjavik can drop by Klink & Bank tonight around 20:00 for a presentation on GPS-related new media which I am part of...]. But when I get back to Holland next week, I will compile the contents of various emails on this topic into the Wikki.

On a related note, does anyone have any beautification tips for the Wikki? The default "TWiKKi-look" is butt-forkin'-ugly!


derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 74:
"Get your neck massaged"

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