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Re: [microsound] Mac vs PC (linux information)

Sorry for this late reply but I was out camping :)

"Tjeerd Sietsma" <tsietsma@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I've never seen PureData crash. It had a few glitches once but that
> was due to the fact I was using Windows and had a bunch of shitty
> programs installed. My bad.

It does crash, belive me.  But serious problems seem to be fixed
rather quickly.  I can't recall, however, when was the last time pd
brought my entire system down...  but that's not pd's merit, it's the
os.  I would expect the same from OSX but don't take my word for it, I
never used it.

> Me and another student of my school are trying to set up a pd-site
> facilitating
> webspace for this kind of stuff.

it's already there.
head on to www.pure-data.info

> I sympathize :) I used Windows and it's apps since '96 and after eight
> years
> I come to the conclusion that I don't want to use Windows EVER AGAIN.

It took me just a few days to realize that :)  But, I cheated...  I
used Buzz for some things.

      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     / 	\/  \ _/^ _|
    /  	     V |_  \ @creazone.32k.org

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