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[microsound] [playlist] framework - 23.07.04
framework broadcasts live alternate fridays on resonance104.4fm in london (uk) or worldwide on http://www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm bst, and repeated the following wednesday between 11:00am and 12:00 noon bst
next live broadcast: 06.08.04
~ time zone converter: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/?h=8&mn=30&ap=pm&mo=8&d=6&y=2004&f=GB
framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by patrick mcginley
this edition featured a new long piece by jonathan coleclough, a resampling of seth nehil's edition... release, and two collections of shorter pieces. the first was a set of short untreated recordings by scott smallwood documenting an amazing sonic phenomenon of princeton, new jersey: once every seventeen years precisely, princeton becomes infested with cicadas, large and more importantly loud insects somewhere between a locust and a cricket. scott has made a series of recordings from all sorts of different indoor and outdoor locations in various situations documenting their all-pervasiveness. you can find writings, images and all the sounds themselves on his website (see the playlist below).
the second set of recordings was a selection of compositions from a 2cd compilation released by a venue in hamburg germany called the hörbar. the hörbar is a collective of artists and enthusiasts who gather weekly in a space they share with an alternative cinema (b-movie) to listen to a few records and have a few beers (or, better still, a few club-mate's - http://www.club-mate.de/). the proceeds from these evenings go to support a monthly concert gathering artists form all over the world to the center of hamburg; i haven't encountered very many artists in this field who haven't at one time or another been invited to join them. they are a great bunch a people running a great venue, and they've now released this double cd of contributions by the organisers and a few friends, all composed with a set of recordings taken on a river boat on the elbe by asmus tietchens (part of the collective), and a recording inside the quiet empty performance space which was taken for a performance by the hafler trio. if you're passing through hamburg, check them out!
coming up in the near future: framework will be featuring a segment over several shows spotlighting compositions by some young artists learning about field recording and it's expressive possibilities on a course with the great chris watson. we will also soon be featuring an exclusive composition by m. behrens made with sounds of the resonancefm studios themselves.
lastly a plug for a great radio project: phonographic migrations 3: soudscapeFM is up and running now, broadcasting on the net and on 94.6 fm in straslund, germany. for more info, or to have a listen, go here: http://www.soundscape-fm.net/
again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions. send material, released or not, on any format, to the address below. we are also hoping to have live performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through london please get in touch!
31 nevill road
london n16 8sl
(artist / title / album / label)
framework intro / cedric peyronnet
recorded 18.07.04 at les peyroux, st goussard, a watery narrative with hundreds of hissing crickets
http://www.ingeos.org, http://www.kaon.org
jonathan coleclough / makruna / makruna . minya / icr
deep unidentifiable pulses mix with distant voices and human activity - a village fete?
scott smallwood / brood x / - / -
multiple short recordings documenting the 17-yearly invasion of princeton, new jersey, by cicadas - recordings and more info here:
seth nehil / situla / umbra / edition...
another sampling from this great album of layered dissonant drone music
y-ton-g / aus fluß / prosit zur letzten tide / hörbar
evapori / ausdehnungbeim gefrieren / prosit zur letzten tide / hörbar
tbc / tröpfchen für tröpfchen / prosit zur letzten tide / hörbar
[-hyph-] / hy-dro-PH-obie 1.3 / prosit zur letzten tide / hörbar
murmer / elbe/ellbe/belle/bells / prosit zur letzten tide / hörbar
several tracks from a friends-of-the-hörbar 2cd compilation composed of river elbe sounds recorded by asmus tietchens and an empty room recording of the venue itself made for a concert by the hafler trio
framework intro submissions:
1) take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice
2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
3) read the following text:
welcome to framework.
framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition.
field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen!
4) continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking
5) send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email
the framework 2003 cd has been reprinted and is now once again available directly from the resonancefm online shop, along with a selection of other benefit cds, t-shirts, and general paraphernalia. drop in here to have a look:
framework 2003
resonancefm benefit cd featuring highlights from the year's broadcasting
rob grant & melanie clifford / framework intro
thomas dimuzio / unearth & lift and spear / sonicism / rrrecords
chris watson / river mara at night / stepping into the dark / touch
johannes helden / - / sketchbook / trente oiseaux
toy bizarre / - / kdi dctb 116 / absurd
murmer / liquid solid / definition / absurd
jgrzinich & seth nehil / the distant edge / confluence / intransitive
seth nehil & jgrzinich / the mirrored corner / stria / erewhon
annette lissauer / framework intro
toby paddock / air, surface and magnetic vibrations / - / -
steve roden / - / resonant cities / trente oiseaux
francisco lopez / untitled #101 / untitled (2000) / ignis projekt
mnortham / ancient sewer pipe, valletta, malta / phonography.org 5 / phonography.org
the quiet american / donkey trains leaving marpha, nepal / phonography.org 4 / phonography.org
steve barsotti / trainyard presence / phonography.org 5 / phonography.org
k. m. krebs / jericho sailing center (nautical gamelan) / phonography.org 4 / phonography.org
david daniell / highway 371, forty miles south of farmington, january 19, 1998, 2:25 pm / sem / antiopic
joyce hinterding / - / spectral / antiopic/sigma editions
david daniell / dixon lake road, july 31, 1999, 5:45 am / sem / antiopic
tacet ncv / live on framework
jean-luc guionnet & bertrand denzler / live on framework
dallas simpson / framework intro