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[microsound] Symbiosis Playlist - 29/8/04 (Antiopic label feature)
Experimental Sound Textures and Rhythms
[Headphones recommended]
12am - 2am Sunday nights
(1pm - 3pm Sunday afternoon GMT)
Time Zone Converter: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter2.htm
(Show broadcasts in GMT +10)
102.7 FM, Melbourne, Australia
Listen online: http://www.rrr.org.au
c/o Triple R
PO Box 304
Fitzroy, VIC 3068
presented by Simon Hampson
Hi all,
This week on Symbiosis (5/9): In the mix - Toshimaru Nakemura & Brett
Larner in preparation for their shows in Melbourne (see below). Plus lots of
new releases that have built up in the last few weeks.
Coming Soon:
12/9: Philip Samartzis chats about the opening of Immersion at Westspace /
Mouse On Mars Interview
19/9: September Label Feature - Fallt Publishing
In the pipeline: Ian Andrews, Dallas Simpson, Listening to the Mind
concert, Anthony Guerra
Local events:
Synaesthesia SAMARTZIS/LUNDING 'Touch Parking' 12" launch & benefit for
Friday 3rd, 11 a hope street, brunswick, Melbourne, 9pm
"Sound Out"
Composers from the undergraduate composition course premiere new short works
for orchestra
performed by the VCA Orchestra conducted by Mark Summerbell
Friday 3 September 2004
7.30pm, Iwaki Auditorium, ABC Southbank Centre
I.Audio w/ Toshimaru Nakemura & Brett Larner:
Sydney: Thursday 16th Sept
Melbourne: Sat 11th & Sun 12th Sept
(got a show to list? let me know...)
Until next week,
listening to: Mouse On Mars - Radical Connector
watching: The Village
Show Date: 29/8/04
Antiopic was the subject of the Symbiosis August Label Feature. David
and James joined me on the phone from New York and the first hour was
dedicated to their 5 physical releases. The second hour showcased
tracks from the Allegorical Power series - a net-based project that ran
from June - December 2003 (http://www.antiopic.com/).
Artist :: Track :: Album :: Label
Need Thomas Windham :: #5 :: Employment Patterns :: Antiopic
David Daniell :: highway 371, forty miles south of farmington, jan 19,
1998, 2.25pm :: Sem :: Antiopic
Ultra-Red :: amnistia (por nueva york) :: Animista :: Antiopic
Dion Workman :: (excerpt) :: Ching :: Antiopic
Joyce Hinterding :: (excerpt) :: Spectral :: Antiopic/Sigma Editions
AGF :: human.sMISTAKEreports :: Allegorical Power July :: Antiopic
Freiband :: economix :: Allegorical Power October :: Antiopic
Tu M' :: backbitings :: Allegorical Power September :: Antiopic
Duul_Drv :: under words, there is something hidden :: Allegorical Power
November :: Antiopic
TV Pow :: cornered at the drake hotel (extended mix) :: Allegorical
Power June :: Antiopic
Alejandra & Aeron Sacar :: a plaza :: Allegorical Power September ::
Okkyung Lee :: wind fall :: Allegorical Power August :: Antiopic
Annette Krebs :: no title :: Allegorical Power December :: Antiopic
Omnid :: cermic nikra :: Allegorical Power October :: Antiopic
Mattin :: computer music from st petersburg :: Allegorical Power July ::
Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox :: aphasia :: Allegorical Power December ::
J. Frede :: double_standard :: Allegorical Power October :: Antiopic
Links from this week's show:
Need Thomas Windham: http://www.antiopic.com/catalog/an001.html
David Daniell: http://www.antiopic.com/catalog/an002.html
Ultra-Red: http://www.antiopic.com/catalog/an003.html
Dion Workman: http://www.sigmaeditions.com/sigma_dion%20workman.html
Joyce Hinterding: http://www.sunvalleyresearch.com/Luminoska/index2.htm
AGF: http://www.poemproducer.com/
Freiband: http://www.beequeen.nl/de_Waard/disc/freiband_disc.htm
Tu M': http://www.tu-m.com/
Duul_Drv: http://members.shaw.ca/duul_drv/
TV Pow: http://www.tvpow.net/
Alejandra & Aeron Sacar: http://www.luckykitchen.com/ &
Okkyung Lee: http://www.burntsugarindex.com/Home/bios/Okkyng_Lee.html &
Annette Krebs: http://www.japanimprov.com/profiles/akrebs/profile.html
Omnid: http://www.geocities.com/omnid2003/omnid2003.html
Mattin: http://www.mattin.org/
Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox:
J. Frede: http://www.jfrede.com/
Antiopic: http://www.antiopic.com/
Sigma Editions: http://www.sigmaeditions.com/
Allegorical Power: http://www.antiopic.com/allegorical/
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