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[microsound] Cordell Klier updates
Howdy Microsounderz..
sorry for any annoyances this off topic post may
never meaning any disrespect,
just spreadin` some new info about my goofy ass:
1) 2 NEW RELEASES (see below)
2) Wilt/Monstrare collab/split entitled
is due to come out fairly soon on .ANGLE.REC.
3) and the lovely S T A T E A R T
have just posted my (pretense-laden and silly)
20 questions!!!
N E W R E L E A S E S ! !
C O R D E L L K L I E R - "sentence diagrams"
slight traces of movement...slight textures on
solid surfaces..
....skittering past at snail speed...
...drones, tones, minimalist structures click &
snap by, passing your ears breathlessly.
are they there? are you there?..
out now on a c i d f a k e r e c o r d i n g s
C O R D E L L K L I E R - "traces"
Cordell Klier is an incredibly prolific US sound
artist plebisciting musical crossbreeding since
almost two decades,
but also manager of his own DOCTSECT label, and
sensitive graphic designer...
Making an exhaustive list of his multiple
offshoot projects would be far too long,
nevertheless one could quote MONSTRARE, OF,
VEDISNI & KREPTKREPT among others...
After years of personal development, he is now
renowned for his finely chiselled & beautifully
edited audio-art pieces...
On "Traces", Cordell draws us into a disembodied
relation where something new seems to emerge from
scattered fragments, deliquescent presences,
evaporated moments...
A fading into a pool of nocturnal ink, a lone
sustained swell of quasi static waves...
"Traces" is a story of sublimated remnants... an
eclipsed breeze blowing arcane formulae on the
surface of obscure waters...
Along the regular erosion, beyond the loss, one
feels like listening closely to the rush of some
galvanizing flow, the reanimation of intriguing
"Traces" scratches mind & soul, raising the veil
on deep feelings...
out now on M y s t e r y S e a
http://www.mysterysea.net :::
Thanks everyone. I hope this posting isn't too
annoying. :)
Cordell Klier
ps - I'll be playing in St. Paul, MN with my
chums in RedRot & Luasa Raelon on the
16th of Sept @ Big V's!!!!
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