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[microsound] affordable internet radio broadcasting?
Hello .micronauts,
I've been starting to research internet radio streaming, but am either finding that the sites
want a years worth of payment in advance or I have to stream the contents from my
computer, which isn't practical in my situation. I'm just looking to set up a small but ever-
changing pre-programmed station that will play tracks from and/OAR releases and other
releases by a/O artists, as well as play tracks from releases I sell on the "DIffusion" mail
order page. Eventually, I might expand it to play other people's work that pertains to the
focus of the label.
I looked at Shoutcast, but their program doesn't support Windoze XP yet. Does anyone
have any suggestions, given what I just mentioned? I would like to be able to upload
tracks onto a server and have it stream from there. And I would prefer month to month
payment, since paying in advance for a year is too much, and I've got more than enough
to tie my finances up as it is.
To not bother the groop further with this, you can reply offlist if you want.
Thanks very much in advance!
Dale Lloyd: http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
and/OAR: http://www.and-oar.org/