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[microsound] Symbiosis Playlist - 19/9/04 (Fallt Publishing)
Experimental Sound Textures and Rhythms
[Headphones recommended]
12am - 2am Sunday nights
(2pm - 4pm Sunday afternoon GMT)
Time Zone Converter: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter2.htm
(Show broadcasts in GMT +10)
102.7 FM, Melbourne, Australia
Listen online: http://www.rrr.org.au
c/o Triple R
PO Box 304
Fitzroy, VIC 3068
presented by Simon Hampson
Hi all,
Back to the studio after a refreshing week off... hope you've all been well.
The great news is that Symbiosis is presenting Greg Davis' show in
Melbourne.. His new record, 'Somnia', arrived this week (out Oct 18th) and
it showcases a different side of his musical output. This one is all about
tones and drones... very nice stuff. So if you're in Melbourne I hope you
can make it down to the show (see below for details).
Tonight on the show, City Frequencies join me to chat about their new 6.1
surround installation. 'Cafe Voyeur' takes place as part of Melbourne Fringe
Festival (see: http://www.akm.net.au/cityfreqs/cv.htm) from this Thursday
7th October. Matt and Nick will be performing live on Symbiosis tonight and
will utilise the large sound back that they amassed during their original
excursion to Kent St Cafe in July.
In the coming weeks...
10/10: Dallas Simpson chats about his binaural recordings and the intentions
of his location-specific recordings. Have your headphones out for this one -
Dallas has very kindly sent across some of his 'Adoration of Willow' series.
I have chosen the piece from Kneeton which he describes as follows: "In
Kneeton, there is a long, approximately 8 minute walk-in, with quiet natural
ambience and footsteps. The snapping sounds are from dead twigs probably
stripped from the trees during winds. In Kneeton, much of the improvisation
related to the fact that the trees were distorted and dying due to the fact
that the river had beed diverted some 50 years previously and the willows no
longer inhabited the bank. The ditch alongside the trees, formerly the river
bed, occasionally fills with water after rain, which was the case on this
occasion. The half decayed
hulls of the trunks and dead branches offered wonderfully subtle
In the pipeline: Listening to the Mind concert, Anthony Guerra, Sijis
Records, Taalem Records, Steve Law, Ian Andrews, Mike Hallenbeck
Upcoming events...
Symbiosis presents...
Greg Davis (USA)
Qua and friends
Ai Yamamoto
DJ: Simon Hampson
Bourgie, 397 Lt Lonsdale St, Melbourne
(got a show to list? let me know...)
Until next week,
now playing: Ontayso / Sense / Tim Koch - Where have you been? What have
you done? And Why? (U-Cover)
now watching: Teen Wolf
Show Date: 19/9/04
The September label feature takes a look at Fallt publishing
(http://www.fallt.com/). Fallt formed in the late 90s and their world
empire beams its transmissions from the unlikely place of Hillsborough,
N. Ireland! Christopher Murphy has a chat with me about the past and
future of the label, online music and more...
Artist :: Track :: Album :: Label
(all releases on Fallt - P = physical release/o = online)
Si-cut.db :: slavic :: Offices At Night [Vol 1 - originals] :: P
Hard Sleeper :: land :: live @ rausch 5/11/02 :: P
Alejandra & Aeron :: Empire 01 :: Empire (Xmas Gift 2003) :: o
Ian Andrews :: assistance :: Offices At Night [Vol 2 - vol 1] ::
(upcoming o&P release)
Christopher Willits :: no gasoline :: Pollen :: P
Invalid Object (http://www.fallt.com/invalidObject/) mix:
Taylor Deupree
Kim Cascone
Junior Varsity
Steve Roden
Stephan Mathieu
Eloy Anzola
Ekkehard Ehlers
Richard Chartier
Akira Rabelais
Invisible Cities (http://www.fallt.com/invisiblecities/) mix:
Beijing Sound Unit - Beijing
Danylo & Mass - Naples
Lawrence English - Brisbane
Frans de Waard - Nijmegen
Gregory Cowley - Marrakesh
Ian Andrews :: recursive toupee :: Ceremonial :: Ferric Series (P)
Tu M' :: nervous breakdown :: Pop Involved [Ver 3.0] :: Ferric Series
Camp :: it's the same thing over and over! :: Fodder :: o
Dat Politics :: rag :: Fodder :: o
Ted Sulkowicz :: kolc :: Fodder :: o
Slub :: 20010203 (folded) :: Fodder :: o
Komet +/vs. Bovine Life :: behind :: Reciprocess Vol 1 :: o
Si-cut.db + Full Swing +/vs. Stephan Mathieu + Douglas Benford ::
octavia.drive :: Reciprocess Vol 2 :: o
Sebastian Roux :: constance :: Offices At Night [Volume 2 - vol 1] ::
(upcoming o&P release)
Mikael Stavostrand :: fallt 2 :: untitled upcoming P release
Links from this week's show:
All content: http://www.fallt.com/
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