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[microsound] Pushing the Medium

Pushing the Medium
MoKS Media Art Symposium

Pushing the Medium is an international meeting of sound and video
artists brought together for a one week symposium in Tartu and Mooste.
The event includes a series of Performances, Lectures and Workshops for
the artists and the public. It is organized by MoKS, an NGO organization
dedicated  to local and international cooperation in the fields of arts,
social and environmental research in Mooste, Estonia.

Friday Oct 15th: Press conference and Artist discussion, Tartu Artist
Union Gallery 17:00

Saturday Oct 16th: Concert Evening, Video and Sound performances:
Saadama Theater 19:00
    - Derek Holzer (US/NL), Sara Kolster (NL), Maxim Shentelev (LV)
    - Antonio Della Marina (ITA), John Grzinich (US, EST)
    - Paulo Raposo (PT)

Sunday 17th - Thursday 21: Artist Workshops at Tartu Art College /
Mooste Guest Studio
    - Derek Holzer-Sara Kolster: Visible Sound / Audible Image

    - Paulo Raposo: SIRR-ecords / Audio-Visual Compositional Techniques

    - Antonio Della Marina: 2 sound based projects

Thursday Oct 22: Concert Evening: Tartu Artist Union Gallery 19:00
    - audums (Kiril Lomunov, Janis Bikis, Maxim Shentelev, LV)
    - Alt-Ctrl-Del (Kurt Korthals, US)
    - Kiwa (EST)


DEREK HOLZER (NL/US) is a sound and radio artist with a background in
free radio, net.radio and streaming media technologies. Recently, his
work has focused on capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds
from various natural and urban locations [Karosta Project, w/ Sara
Kolster], and on the electromagnetic resonances in our everyday
environment [OZONE Project, w/ Bas van Koolwijk], as well as the use of
free software such as Linux and Pure-Data.

SARA KOLSTER (NL) is a video and new-media artist with a background in
web / graphical design and webbased-projects. Recently, the focus of
her work shifted more towards video and film; capturing details from
urban locations, visualizing fragments of stories of these
environments. She uses different strategies, from time-based media
(video, film) to appropriated research methods belonging to different
observational disciplines (journalism, documentary & archeology).

PAULO RAPOSO (PT) is a sound and media artist based in Lisbon,
Portugal. Despite having studied cinema and philosophy, he has been
working in the medium of live electronic and computer sound since the
early nineties, performing, exhibiting installation works and recording
throughout Europe and the US. He is the founder and director of SIRR
records, a label dedicated to new and experimental forms of music.

ANTONIO DELLA MARINA (IT) Antonio is from Udine in the Friulian region
of Italy. Antonio on õppinud Bologna Ülikoolis muusikat ja näitekunsti
(Musical and performing arts). Arvutimuusika vallas on ta suures osas
iseõppija, võttes õppust teistelt samal alal tegutsevatelt loojatelt.

JOHN GRZINICH (EST/US) media artist (mostly electronic, sometimes not)
and MoKS Media Lab coordinator working with sound for over 10 years and
with video for 5. has constructed various permutations of sound and
video individually and together in compositions, installations and
performances. He has released CDs on a host of independent labels
internationally such as CMR (NZ), Elevator Bath (US), Staalplaat (NL),
Intransitive (US), Erewhon (BE) and others...

KI'WA (EST) situational meta-media artist who expresses himself through
painting, sound, video, text, performance and social sculpture. He has
been involved with numerous artistic and curatorial projects throughout
Estonia and abroad.

ALT-CTRL-DEL (Kurt Korthals, US) Kurt recently received a degree in
computer science yet he has released several full length works as an
electronic musician under the name 'The Buddy System'. Alt-Ctrl-Del is
a side project for exploring abstract electronic soundscapes that range
from ambient to edgy. Kurt often accompanies his sounds with original
video work.

AUDUMS (Kiril Lomunov, Janis Bikis, Maxim Shentelev)

MAKSIM SHENTELEV (LV) is a multimedia artist from Latvia who works in
field recording under name my-ym. Activity of my-ym is focused on
perceptional nuances of informative environment. Field recording,
collage and musique concrete are the main genres. Scope borders are set
for research of audio visual sensual field, especially for analysis of
phantasmal dimensional structures.   He is also the cofounder of
AUDIOT, a Riga based net label that develops and publishes the sharpest
audio design from Latvia and neighbouring countries.

KIRIL LOMUNOV (LV) is a Riga based sound designer who has worked with
the duo OLOOLO and the ambient music project ³ssvaa-faa².  In 1997 the
project ³Ayahuasca ³ was founded on a conception thatwent far beyond
habitual borders of ambient music. From 1997 ­ 2000 he worked on sound
design collaborations with Ugis Vitinsh, Android, Denis Verushkin.   In
2004 collaborating with Maksim Shentelev (my-ym) and Janis Bikis
(mutal) formed trio project ³audums² . Kiril is also the cofounder of
AUDIOT, a Riga based net label that develops and publishes the sharpest
audio design from Latvia and neighbouring countries.

Janis Bikis (LV) started his video designing activity with shortcut
³Dimensions² 12 min. 2001. From 2001 to 2004 works as one of the
organizers of youth multimedia festival ³2annas². In 2002 shortcut ³Get
woozy!² came to light. 2003 - shortcut ³Photo session². In that period
collaborates as a vj with local club scena dj¹s. Participates in
festivals, club events and performances. In past couple of years artist
focused on experimental merging of analog video and digital processing.
 From 2003 works together with ambient, electro acoustic and field
recording sound designers Maksim Sentelev and Kiryll Lomunov in trio
project ³audums².

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||| http://www.sirr-ecords.com  ----------------- -| |||
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