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[microsound] neoscenes strreaming again
neoscenes will flow in elektro-waves onto the network as part of the
(no)music Arena
====> (no)music Arena
1400-1500 CET Paris (GMT+2) Wed October 13 2004
1200-1300 GMT (London)
6:00-7:00 AM MST (Denver)
22:00-23:00 (GMT+10) Sydney
Direct links to the stream may be found on the front page of
http://neoscenes.net/index.html and at http://www.nomusic.org/
Questions? jhopkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
neoscenes occupation, a project first deployed publicly
at Ars Electronica 1998, is a mobile and tech-no-madic vessel
for creative activities in network spaces. The present performance
will be originating from the neoscenes TAZ in the
Art Academy of Trondheim, Norway, in cooperation with
TEKS - the Trondheim Electronic Art Center & the TMM2004 Festival
-------- begin of nomusic official press release ----------------
( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) )
http://www.nomusic.org - info@xxxxxxxxxxx
-< 40 Players on Dual Live Drawn Lots >-
-< 24h Continuous World Trans Audio Distant Travel >-
-< Dual Live Simultaneous only via Network >-
-< Creative Commons License - No Archivz - Free Audio >-
-< Stream Live Audio MP3 / Low & High >-
You are Welcome to Listen the Next Edition of the :
(((NOMUSIC))) Arena
Wednesday 13th to Thursday 14th October, 2004
lasting 24 hours forming a Terrestrial Revolution completes
"online" without Interruption.
Please use the Converter on the page below to adjust your Timezone
http://www.nomusic.org/ > PLAYLIST
13th October 2004 (00h00 / 00:00am) [GMT 0:00 - Greenwich Time]
14th October 2004 (00h00 / 00:00am) [GMT 0:00 - Greenwich Time]
Enjoy your Flight with Us...
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