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Re: [microsound] [OT] Glut of new cds of just no money to spend?

I think there is less buying/interest here in europe also. But the growing economic crisis (whatever the talking heads around wall street are saying - look at the actual numbers, they just dont add up) in the US proably makes it worse as it becomes more visible. We also have kind of a more negative 'collective social mood' now which probably doesnt help interest in experimental music.

Or maybe its just what we think ... anyone got some kind of stats of microsound cd-sales?

2004-11-19 kl. 20.25 skrev scott allison:

I have been thinking some, about the past thread concerning people buying less and less experimental cds... I wonder if it really has as much to do with there being to many choices/a flooded market or maybe the problem could also be related to the current down turn in consumer spending and the increasing devaluation of the US dollar, (maybe this only relates to US music buyers?), (we have less and less money to spend, and more and more people seem to be getting laid-off). Are microsounders in the US spending less on music now than you did four years ago, if so, do you feel its because you have less money or just that there is less music you want to purchase? How about people in other countries? Also if the US dollar continues to drop, imported cds will cost more (look at current exchange rate of US to European), possibly translating into even higher prices for imported discs, but that would probably mean that US discs sent to other countries would be cheaper because the US dollar is devalued. Am I way of course with my thinking here?

Scott Allison

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