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Re: [microsound] [OT] Glut of new cds of just no money to spend?

It would be a great shame if the great statement of the album format disappeared because of the mp3 via internet took over but maybe one can make a point in a shorter period of time, share it and keep the real deal for the live performance or personalised compilations.

i have to disagree with this. why is live performance looked on as some kind of "real deal"? the creation of sound art in a recorded medium is just as valid. in fact it seems strange to see this kind of sentiment on a list like this. shows and recordings are two different things and both deserve to survive. there are some artists who simply craft recordings the way painters work on paintings - it's a slow process, and not exciting to watch. other artists thrive on live performance but can't make a decent record to save their life. still others can balance both.

on the audience side, there are people who are never able to see a show (perhaps for monetary or geographic reasons), or simply don't like going to concerts.

Sustaining a sonic/musical career by selling cds is not viable - it's an outdated promotional device. Every now & again someone from an art movement may break into the mainstream i.e. make a living but that should not be the motivation for creating.

i agree with the second half just as strongly as i disagree with the first. of course making money from music is not the motivation for creating. true artists create because we have to, because to not create makes us very unhappy. but if an artist is pouring their resources into their work, and people use it for entertainment or commercial purposes, why shouldn't we be compensated for that?

and calling CDs a "promotional device" is off the mark and seems to go along with the live "real deal" comment. CDs are a medium, and a fairly trusty yet easily replaceable and portable one at that. just because the technology is old by now doesn't make it outdated. no other format balances the various artistic and consumer issues as well.

Artists buying other artist's work doesn't sustain much -we should share and inspire each other. As for choosing what may inspire us to part with our cash we do need people like the late great John Peel to sift through the crap and present us with a worthwhile selection.

this is true. i've commonly traded works with other artists. it feels good. and people like peel are invaluable, as are good writers for publications such as the wire.

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