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Re: [microsound] brainStim2004

at random:

f1. Michel Gondry - 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'
b2. Neal Stephenson - 'Cryptonomicon'
b3. Lawrence Lessig - 'Free Culture'
w4. A List Apart - http://www.alistapart.com
s5. Live 4
m6. Vladislav Delay - 'Demo(n) Cuts' [THN066]
m7. Audiobulb Exhibition # 2
m8. Lexaunculpt - ' peraudi.tt.e'
w9. Archive.org - http://www.archive.org
tv10. Meet The Press with Tim Russert
tv/w11. CATV - http://www.catv.tv
r12. NPR - A Prairie Home Companion
r13. NPR - This American Life
w14. This list
va: Howard Warshaw - Fossil Landscape. (and everything else at http://www.sullivangoss.com/howard_warshaw/#full_list )

m: music
b: book
tv: television
f: film
s: software
w: web
r: radio
va: visual art

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