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[microsound] MELBOURNE: environ presents TALULU Jan 2 at Loop

In the aftermath of New Years Eve, on Sunday the 2nd of January, the environ
crew and Loop offer an incredibly over the top sensory experience?


A four-hour fully improvised AV performance involving over twenty artists
from very different walks of [artistic] life?.

Seeming the following day is a public holiday, it was decided that pulling
out all stops was in order... taking what environ does on a monthly basis,
and integrating it all into one mammoth impro set.

Electronic musicians, Electric & Acoustic players, Video mixers, live camera
operators, DJs, VJs, Dub mixers, Film & slide projectionists all have a part
to play. If you haven't been to an environ for a while or ever... this is
definitely worth considering...

As it stands, the full lineup is?

Steve Law ­ Zen Paradox (electronic audio)
Bernhard Wagner ­ Switzerland (looped Guitar)
Kirsten Bradley ­ Cicada (video manipulations)
Joey Phantom ­ Fireballs & Sin shifters (psychobilly double bass)
Antediluvian Rocking Horse ­ PBS (avant-garde DJ mixing)
Ortiz Pinto ­ Bad Boys Batucada (percussion)
Khalid Abdullahi  - Bits of Clay (video animation)
Ben 'Shaman' Skepper (cello)
Jacob Simkin ­ Dork Media (live camera)
Lynnelle Moran ­ Velure (Irish flute)
Viktor Markov ­ Bulgaria (mixing & treatments)
John Aslanidis ­ zonar.net/aslan (light projections)
David Ashton ­ SBS Radio (audio mix and FX)
Tony Woods ­ Moving Image Coalition (light projections)
Bags - daytime Edinburgh gardens events (DJ mixing)
Kira Rea - Elemental (live camera)
DJ Jools ­ South Africa (CD DJ FX)
Jean Poole ­ Plug n play (laptop visuals)
Stephen Richards ­ Make it up club (saxophone)
Dubwise ­ Adelaide (DJ mixing)
Andrew Garton ­ Son of Science (laptop audio)
Lindsay Cox - former medical photographer (video manipulations)
Simon Winkler ­ SBS Alchemy (live camera)
Paul Rodgers ­ Swinburne Uni (visual contraptions)
Brendan Palmer ­ Zonar (vintage electronic audio)

Goto http://www.environline.net for bios, free audio from previous events
and more info?

environ presents TALULU
Sunday January 2nd from 7pm till late

Loop : 23 meyers place Melbourne CBD australia
$5 entry

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