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Re: [microsound] ot use your spare processing power to figure out what we are...
.... or the only ones with idle processors ....
Quoting John Nowak <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Feb 18, 2005, at 4:42 PM, info@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > i am bored. so heres my contribution to for the day that i think
> > everyone should have, especially all of you on this list who must
> > have access to a pc,
> > get on this project use your spare thinking time when you've tranced
> > out for too many hours to do something useful to contribute to
> > humanity by running this here screensaver,
> > [well if you are not already looking for green men with SETI....]
> > http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4270241.stm
> Apparently only Windows users are worthy of saving the planet.
> They should have their stock photography CDs taken away as well...
> - John
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