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Re: [microsound] bias peak license change

DSP-Quattro is the new competition to Peak and it's very significantly cheaper than Peak and just as powerful, with significantly better tech support; you generally get an email back from the guy who writes the app, rather than a faceless customer service person, and they are incredibly responsive to feature suggestions.

Highly recommended for anyone looking for an alternative to Peak for whom Audacity doesn't fit the bill.

And I agree with Nowak, Sound Effects 0.9.2 is awesome and one of the apps I'm keeping an OS 9 partition on my old g3 ibook for. Weird Tempo forever!


On Feb 16, 2005, at 5:26 AM, Domonkos Nagy wrote:

although my money has been refunded by the seller I strongly recommend against buying any product from them. another fine example what happens when competition (spark) is gone...

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