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[microsound] call for tactical audio contributions for protest academy london inaugural lecture @elastic feb 19- mar 5

protest academy| london inaugural lecture:
?What are we doing? What is happening to us? What needs to be done? I prefer
not to¹

We are inviting you to take part in the forthcoming
Protest Academy¹s  project - ?What are we doing?(?)¹ which will be take
between 19 th Feb ­ 6th March  2005 at the Elastic residence, London

msdm launches protest academy at the elastic residence for 3 weekends
19-20, 26-27 february and 5- 6 march 2005, 12:00-18:00 saturday and sundays.

For the lauch of protest academy london msdm paula roush and isa suarez are
a call for contributions of tactical audio material with an invitation to
participate in the 
public live performance /broadcast and  recording session of
?What are we doing? What is happening to us? What needs to be done? I prefer
not to¹


This is the schedule for the 3 weekends events:

weekend1: registration, indexing of incoming material  and preparation of
the new score 
19-20 february 12:00-18:00

weekend2: live performance/ lecture  ?What are we doing?(?)¹ with
simultaneous broadcast
26-27 february 12:00-18:00

weekend3: exhibition of the recorded performance with score, sound tools and
contributed material
5-6 march 12:00-18:00

We would be delighted to have your participation.
In order to contribute to the project we are requesting:
-copies of released audio material [historical or contemporary] any formats
accepted including video [vhs, dvd, mini-dv,...], audio [vinyl, cd,
mini-disk, mp3s,...]
-additional material such as catalogues and flyers to be displayed and/or
handed out during the presentation.

 Contributions can be brought in during opening hours or sent by post  to


22 Parfett St Whitechapel London E1 1JR (behind the east london mosque)

T: +44(0)207 247 1375 and  44(0)7883008639

E: msdm@xxxxxxxxxxx



updated info:

Elastic residence is a gallery space for projects and durational
performance. It was established
in autumn 2004 and is situated in a house built in 1779 in Whitechapel, East
London. For the 
inauguration of its first module protest academy london msdm will dedicate
the first  weekend 
19-20th february to the  collection  and archive of tactical audio
production ­ followed by the
creation of a new score that will be performed live and broadcast on sat
26-27 as protest
academy¹s london inaugural lecture titled:
?What are we doing? What is happening to us? What needs to be done? I prefer
not to¹

?What are we doing?(?)¹  is part of protest academy x-cUrricular activities
an experimental de-schooling
platform that will be staged next in Leipzig as part of the public art
project Homeland Modernity (may
2005) when [msdm]+[general panel] will map protest and the production of
urban space in the city.

paula roush is the founder of msdm; recent projects include ?sos:ok¹ at
Coleman Project Space London
when the gallery was used to stage an emergency  food relief operation, and
?bowville¹ a networked
performance during which marian manesta forrester was electronically tagged
and had 3 days to earn
honourary citizenship of bowville.

Isa Suarez is a composer/singer and sound artist, most recent works include
?à trouble sens¹, Musée de
Guéthary, Hendaye, France (2003) and ?4 key instructions on how to rob a
Swiss bank without getting caught¹
(2004), as part of Hand Luggage at K3 Project Space, Zurich, Switzerland.