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[microsound] RADIO TAXI works
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douglas benford
Kirsten Lavers, cris cheek, (TNWK) and Simon Keep invite sound
artists(including writers, poets, visual artists, musicians working
with sound) tosubmit work for a short range FM and internet radio
event in late May and early June
RADIO TAXI is a Taxi Gallery narrowcast and webcast initiative. Taxi
Gallery is literally a black cab situated in a council estate on the
outskirts of Cambridge,England. Since Sept 2001, over 25 different
artists have made new works inresponse to the specific context
offered by the gallery and its location. TaxiGallery is a project
that reaches for an extended conversation with local, nationaland
international audiences (via its website) in response to a broad
range of challenging contemporary artworks, approaches and ideas.For
more info on Taxi Gallery - please visit www.taxigallery.org.uk
The translocal or "glocal" philosophy of Taxi Gallery is reflected in
the forthcoming RADIO TAXI project which will integrate a 3 mile
radius analogueFM broadcast with a worldwide digital transmission via
a server capable ofhandling multiple streams.RADIO TAXI will be a
live(ly) mix of locally originated programmes and interventions
(significant community involvement by neighbourhood residents ofall
ages will be developed, including several major projects with
ColeridgeSecondary School and an evolving radio club), a curated
programme of invitedsound works and a schedule of sonic art from all
over the world. The Radio Taxi webcast will be technically supported
by Liam Wells (NorwichSchool of Art and Design) of n0media.
Transmission dates:
6pm 27 May - 6am 31 May (GMT)& 6pm 3 June - Midnight 5 June
(selected highlights)
The selected highlights will remain archived on the Taxi Gallery
website for theforeseeable future. An audio CD selection will also be
included in a forthcomingfull colour Taxi Gallery publication.
1. A 1hour (unedited, raw) field sound recording made at night
(anytimebetween dusk and dawn) from a specific location anywhere in
the world.Please include exact details of the location, date and time
of the recording.
2. A recording made for the duration of a taxi journey (see Jan
Cain's 'Ride'in the Taxi Gallery web archive). Please include details
of the journeyincluding departure and arrival destinations and
reasons for the journey.These recordings will be played during the
overnight programme during the broadcast period - a programme
inspired by Jim Jarmusch's film 'Night OnEarth'. All submitted
recordings will be fully credited on the website.
3. Contribute to the curated programme by submitting new or existing
soundworks that in some way address at least one or more of the
NeighbourhoodThe CommonsEverydayLocation Transition Conversation
Collection Transmission
No other limits and we're also happy to receive proposals/ideas for
works to becarried out on site or via live - streaming. Submissions
should be sent (preferably in audio CD format - please get in touch
if this is a problem) withdetails, credit info and weblinks to:
38 Stanesfield Rd, Cambridge, CB5 8NH England. Queries to:
Submission Deadline: 1 May 2005 latest - though we'd encourage
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