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Re: [microsound] Re: Announce List Behavior...

john saylor wrote on 3/29/05:

>mailman [the list software] can be configured to have several
>different kinds of behavior. the settings are pretty much defaults
>now. the 'reply' preferences usually end up going into a rat hole
>[endless discussion of opinions masquerading as bald truth], but if
>the over all community would prefer a config change, i'm quite willing
>to implement it.

Not trying to make more work for you, John, but I'd think that both
lists ought to function in the same way.  I think it would keep
confusion to a minimum.

>threads are often based on the subject line. what header were you 
>looking for?

Again, I don't know much about this stuff, but I think the
"In-reply-to:", "Message-id:", and "References:" fields would be
important.  But maybe some  of these are added by the client mailer and
not the list server, however...

>Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 02:25:48 +0100
>From: Arie van Schutterhoef <arsche@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [microsound] ***IMPORTANT - microsound-announce***
>In-reply-to: <4244B7DC.5097E7E6@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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