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Re: [microsound] Call for Submissions

I don't understand the necessary logic of point 3.  My preference would be
to explore the medium exactly in that area.

On 17/3/05 1:46 pm, "frederic yarm" <yarm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> These
> are the ground rules/recommendations he stated for this project:
> * Compositions solely using field recordings (with or without effects) to
> create a droney, hypnotic, or otherworldly product. The use of delay,
> loops, chorus, and reverb are encouraged. The listener should be able to
> recognize the source material in some ways but not others.
> * It will be an exercise in making 'music' out of non-instruments and
> finding the beauty in unplanned or orchestrated events.
> * One point about the field recording aspect of it is stressing that
> the person recording is not part of the recording in orchestrating or
> making the sounds, only a passive observer and documenter (obviously, just
> being there has an effect albeit hopefully minor).

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