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[microsound] Call for Submissions

Far Afield: A Webbed Hand Compilation (Webbed Hand 055)
Somewhere in the spectrum between Musique Concrete and Phonography, is a
vast gray area that is disowned and disputed by either side. This
compilation treats this no-man's land as its playground. 

Field recordings they are, with some processing, but not just walls of
rhythmic noise. Sounds of nature, sounds of the city, using the
non-instrumental rhythms and melodies of the source recording as the focal
points, coaxing the music and beauty out of unplanned, un-orchestrated

This compilation is curated/edited by recording artist Fred Yarm. These
are the ground rules/recommendations he stated for this project:
* Compositions solely using field recordings (with or without effects) to
create a droney, hypnotic, or otherworldly product. The use of delay,
loops, chorus, and reverb are encouraged. The listener should be able to
recognize the source material in some ways but not others.
* It will be an exercise in making 'music' out of non-instruments and
finding the beauty in unplanned or orchestrated events.
* One point about the field recording aspect of it is stressing that
the person recording is not part of the recording in orchestrating or
making the sounds, only a passive observer and documenter (obviously, just
being there has an effect albeit hopefully minor).

Important: Contributions should not exceed 5 minutes. Tracks must be
encoded at 192kbps or VBR mp3, and ID3 tags should include artist and
title information.

The absolute deadline for this project is Friday, April 15. However, it's
"first come - first served," and if enough good submissions to fill up the
album are accepted sooner, the project will close earlier, and the album
will be released.

This album will be a netlabel release, and all tracks will be licensed
under Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.0. The entire album will be available
free for download here at Webbed Hand.

Please contact the project curator Fred Yarm (yarm@xxxxxxxxxxx) about how
and where to send your contribution. 

For more information about the compilation and Webbed Hand Records:


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