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Re: [microsound] FOR DISCUSSION...

It drives me crazy that popular music has actually become consumerist music.

I think we should change the name.

Pop music used to carry an entirely different connotation... I prefer to think of it as useful music for the community and 'popular' activity that brings society together over class boundaries. It was never the Popular Music that garnered a need for money, it used to be the other way around; 'Art Music' is where the big bucks were, especially in opera and theatre.

Maybe if Capitialism is considered a popular activity that is pragmatically useful, the actualization of today's Pop Music makes sense (not to me, but probably to the 'Popular Majority'). Everything about Popular Music has become appropriated by the manipulation machine of the Music Industry. The elements of Pop Music are much more interesting to me than the categorization of it being Pop.

On Mar 16, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Peter Price wrote:

If the word "pop" is problematic it is perhaps because you are using it problematically. Why can't we just agree that "pop" is short for "popular" ;)

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