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RE: [microsound] Laptop, etc as Performance device

It seems the limitations of laptop performance come from two directions.
One is that the laptop is an icon of labour. I work on a computer
interface most days. When I get home, I often find it difficult to
"re-see" my laptop as a a creative environment.

THANK you. exACTly. this is why i keep my music off the computer for the most part. i only use it to process sounds or do complex edits impossible otherwise.

The second is the expectation of the performative. An expectation that
has been discussed previously by Cascone.

yes, even though i know it's possible to make a great sound without moving a muscle, i still expect and desire to see/hear cause and effect in a performance. if the music's good wnough i can get over it, but usually there's some kind of visuals going on too.


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