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Re: [microsound] podcasting/audioblogs/net.radio/p2p

 Hey thanks David '

   Havn't had a listen yet but will shortly '

   Do you use skype ?

I'm wanting to talk with people and create some discussion on the show as well. This will help to further extend the creation of connection and community.

   I'm pleasently surprised that music from Portugal to Pruage
   share similar ethos and values.  This is an exciting example
   of how there is a global common amoungst people.

   Despite our misconception of globlization, I believe that
   we need to take control of our own process.  Culture is the
   most powerful way to retain value in your community.

   Music is a launguge that expresses culture, while retaining
   and communicating the unique vaules of your location.

   I imagine podcasting as a way of staying ahead of the
   commercial curve. It won't take long, but a the moment the


David @ Audiobulb wrote:
Simon - check out autistici - www.autistici.com you might like him for your show + audiobulb www.audiobulb.com - we have some free mp3's :)

good luck
----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Kong" <nil@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] podcasting/audioblogs/net.radio/p2p

  Hey . there

   I have an answer for you.

  Check out www.psurkit.net

  I'm doing the Speakeasy show.  I'm onto my fifth one.  All the
  music I am featuring is free net-label music.

  The original brief was Techno.  However Due to finding a vast
  amount of really good microsound (and other stuff), I have
  extended my brief and cover basically anything.

  It's an amazing exercise.  I completely stopped using P2P
  about 6 months ago, and only surf for net-labels now.

  The Speakeasy show, is my little way of sharing the vibe, and
  trying to get more people out there, finding and supporting
  these great labels.

  I am waiting for someone to kick my ass over playing their
  music, however the way I am reading creative commons licence,
  I think I'm on the right side of intentions..

  I have tried to contact most artist that I feature, the only
  feedback that I have gotten is positive, so far.

  So it would be great to field comments on this topic.


  Please note. Psurkit . is on soft launch '

  Hope you enjoy it, get a load of kiwi culture while your at it.


derek holzer wrote:

A couple questions about sound on the net these days:

---Does anybody know of some microsound, sound-art or radio-art related podcasts or audioblogs? The concept seems to me like a huge improvement over the streaming model of net.radio...

---In general, how do the releasing artists on this list feel about their work being used in podcasts, net.radio shows, etc. Is this different than sharing those same tracks on p2p? Does the potential exposure of the work being available in these ways outweigh the potential loss in hard sales? Keep in mind I mean specifically for experimental, microsound or sound art works which have a very limited "commercial appeal". This isn't meant to be a free-for-all sound-off on what U2 says about peer-to-peer, for example... ;-)


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