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Re: [microsound] DeMuDi (Linux distro)

which other audio distros are low latency kernel? for pc?

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 13:04:59 -0500, david golightly
<davigoli@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, the low-latency kernel is really the key element of the DeMuDi distro
> for me, the rest are just downloadable packages.  I've got Debian installed
> but I'm still new to Linux, so maybe there could be a twiki page devoted to
> step-by-step optimizing a Debian (or other) kernel and adding the ALSA
> drivers?  It seems the DeMuDi project just involves a few modifications you
> can do on your own, if only you're comfortable with gathering the sources
> needed and recompiling the kernel...
> Thanks,
> David
> >From: derek holzer <derek@xxxxxxx>
> >Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: Re: [microsound] DeMuDi (Linux distro)
> >Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 18:59:49 +0100
> >
> >Hi David,
> >
> >best advice(s) for now are as follows:
> >
> >1) "Easiest": install Ubuntu for PPC and add normal Debian (possibly
> >unstable also) sources, then apt-get install the various packages you want.
> >Both Demudi and Ubuntu are Debian-based, so the inner core is the same.
> >However, Demudi has no PPC packages, so you'll miss out on the kernel. Kim
> >was already asking me about this, so maybe I'll take him up on his
> >suggestion to make a WIKKI page about it, as long as others here are
> >willing to file their own reports on how well it does or doesn't go.
> >
> >2) Install Debian or Gentoo for PPC and use their packages. Again, you'll
> >be missing the low-latency kernel. But you can always compile ;-) Most all
> >the apps you want should exist as packages for both platforms. I prefer
> >Gentoo these days because I find it more comfortable to configure, but many
> >Debian folks say the same thing, so the difference may just be academic.
> >
> >Happy to answer further ??'s as time allows. Otherwise, let's get together
> >on the WIKKI pages.
> >
> >best,
> >Derek
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >david golightly wrote:
> >>Apropos of Linux/PPC:
> >>Does anyone know of any plans to port the DeMuDi (Debian Music Distro) for
> >>PPC?  This distro was initiated jointly by IRCAM and CCRMA, and I'd really
> >>like to get my hands on it - would save hours of headaches recompiling the
> >>kernel, tracking down audio-related packages, drivers, and programs etc...
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
> >---Oblique Strategy # 76:
> >"Give the game away"
> >
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