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[microsound] Re: noise to signal /DJALMA

Hello everybody, 

Following the Signal to Noise thread, and as a somehow
"motivating" part of it, I must say we try Onda Sonora
to be not only a radio playlist, but also an
informative source (to place artists in listener's
mind by giving, instead of critical reviews, more
technical or artistic information) and a reference for
events happening in Madrid. 

For me it is quite a difficult thing to divide between
the more "theoretical" aspects and the more
"practical" ones,  so I don't see how this or other
activities running through the list could be
considered as "noise". But maybe the problem is how to
reduce the massive amount of posts on the list, for
those people not interested in "collateral"
activities: not only radio playlists, but also
convocatories and other announcements, as well as
information on experimental resources in every city.

Definetily my vote would be for Graham Miller's words
-by the way, one of the most active posters on the
list. I think these kind of posts could be displaced
to a side-list, but I don't think this will adjust the
poverty of the more philosophical posts in any way. I
do follow almost all the threads because they seem
pertinent to me, and they ask for my attention,
whether they are based in technology, releases, events
or philosophy. We wouldn't have any problem in putting
that [announcement] advise -but I think this will mend
nothing, as none of this announcements is trying to
mislead anyone, I see them very clear saying what they

In other sort of things, I'd like to apologize with
Jeff Gburek of Djalma Primordial Science for the
possible disinformation we may have caused, I'm sure
the words used don't reflect reality, though I don't
see them false neither. I just didn't understand the
real process in the resources consulted. Our comments
are always based in what we listen and read. So I'm
sorry if you -or any other- has felt somehow
displeased with them. This is often the only way for
us to know about you, or any other artist, as we don't
have the real possibility of contacting so many
artists weekly -I'm sure you understand we do as much
as we can, as we're not paid for this. I encourage
everybody to help us and others knowing the real facts
and -of course- correcting us when we are not all the
right we should. Thank you!

Carlos Manzano / Onda Sonora

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