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[microsound] HeardHub on display in Karlsruhe, Germany

HeardHub, part of Carbon Defense League's MapHub project will be on display at
ZKM Center for Art and Media from March 19 - August 7.  Experimental field
recording / mapping project.

MapHub? was invited to be exhibited in Karlsruhe, Germany from March 19th until
August 7th, 2005 as part of an exhibit at the ZKM Center for Art and Media
called Making Things Public. Atmospheres of Democracy. The exhibit is curated
by Peter Weibel, Bruno LaTour, and Steve Dietz. For the installation in
Karslruhe, Carbon Defense League has collaborated with artist Greg Baltus to
create MapMover. MapMover is a robotic mechanism that uses two computer
controlled servo motors to move an LED behind a translucent wall-mounted map of
Pittsburgh. The translucent wall mounted map is constructed from an acrylic
sheet and a semi-opaque print on vellum, and represents street level data from
the city. The MapMover moves the LED behind the acrylic in two dimensions,
playing back sounds from the MapHub? Heard Hub. The sound playback time occurs
relative to the time the sound was recorded during a twenty-four hour day, but
is condensed and looped into a period of two hours for the purpose of the

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