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Re: [microsound] oulipo pony

whether or not Oulipo's works are truly "amazing" is a
matter for your own endorphins ultimately. from my
perpective, they are highly formalist and finally too
"wet". i mean a joke at the expense of audio here: too
'effected' to be effective. but this is conditioned by
my own sentiments for pasolini's many tentactled
ouevre: the work was an acid upon reality and power
structures, operating not only in the realtively safe
realm of the "fictive". Pasolini lost his life
fighting in the sysytem of systems. Ouliupo falls
under the category of literature as game (ultimately
means: signifiers chasing signifiers, so no ultimate
passion, no struggle---bead game, anyone?--- The
falling out between Calvino and Pasolini (who was one
of C.'s earliest critical supporters) came over which
side of the ashes of Gramsci one's personal word was
to go. To look at Pasolini's final novel ("Petrolio")
however is to find a work that was poised to turn the
academic world inside out by use of it's own machines.
Yet this one small "glitch" work has had minimal
effects, one might add. Are the effects of Oulipo as
gradual as the systems shifts Thomas Kuhn describes
for the conservative contiunuum of science: so slow as
to be almost imperceptible?
--- Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I think all of these talents are more
> > than just a one trick pony.
> I would say that Oulipo produced many if not all of
> the work of Perec 
> and Queneau and that you can hardly qualify Oulipo
> as a one trick 
> pony...Oulipo is actually many systems (of
> constraints) and has 
> produced some amazing works -- example: Perec's
> "Life - A Users Manual"
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