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Re: [microsound] re: two very important questions
--- john saylor <js0000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> after reading 'critical mass' i was struck by his
> thought that we have
> enough to take care of everyone on earth, but we
> just don't distribute
> those resources equitably. and i know that same
> sentiment has been
> said many times in many ways, but his way had math
> to go with it ...
the question is: was his "math" as incorrect as some
have maintained or were the counter-punching
mathematicians already ideologized i.e. dishonest or
working in "bad faith")? those who were (like me)
disappointed by "a beautiful mind" (the film) will see
the repercussions another way. nuclear science has had
a dubious effect on us all--no one doubts however the
key scientists were "geniuses", whereas half the world
still thinks of this particular social scientist as a
dangerous crack-pot
jeff gburek
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