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Re: [microsound] sonymash

My point wasn't about mash-ups specifically, just that ACID was a good
tool for composing tracks like as it was originally marketed as a
'remix' tool.

Good article in last weeks New Yorker however about how proprietary and
protective Sony is over its technology.  As a case in point they look
at things like Sony's Memory Stick and mp3 formats.  I observed that
Sony may have finally found a way to keep their minidisc format alive,
via the new PSP.  Regarding their purchase of ACID... seems like they
just wanted in on the digital audio segment of their demographic.  I
haven't checked the most recent version of ACID to see if substantial
changes have been made.

Now, mash-ups... I think its a novelty at best.  Seems like IDM's
response to hiphop and pop music.  Im glad 2manydj's slaughtered so
many tracks in their mix disks, worked it out.  I think I'll do a few
microsound mashups, pitching Noto vs. SND, head-to-head ;)


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