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Re: [microsound] maths science and electronic music

morgan quaintance wrote:
I am exploring the concept that music, maths and science are not
intrinsically linked. I would like to hear your views on the subject.

I think it depends on what you mean by intrinsic. Any sounding moment, musical and otherwise, /could/ be discussed in acoustic / electronic / signal processing terms, but there's nothing, IMO, to suggest that this is a /necessary/ approach to any given musical experience. Maths, science etc. are ways of viewing the world (frequently useful ones), among many others. Their link to music may well seem more pertinent for thsoe of us making music relying on high(ish) technology, but I can't see that this makes the connection between such music and maths/science any more 'intrinsic' than explaining a vocal performance in terms of tuned resonances etc. Of course, in some cases it is fruitful to do so (e.g. how do throat singers make /that/ sound, how did this electronic dirge come about, etc.), but not /necessary/.

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