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Re: [microsound] Using PD for microsound (newbie)

I agree with Andrew.  This is really good advice.  I think that most
people want to minimize their work, and thus wish to create a swiss
army knife, when what they really need is a set of quality kitchen
knives: specialized for the job.  I know that I keep getting
frusterated because I want that one sampler utility that can do it
all: reverse, one shot, time stretch, pitch shift, dial home to mom,
write an essay, etc.

However, the design strategy I've been noticing (thanks Derek, for
such a great lesson in Particle Chamber) from other peoples patches
makes me think that it's better to tackle these different features as
modular entities, and then tie them together after they're debugged. 
Otherwise, how are you going to find that blasted error?

RRadical is a good solution to follow (even though I still can't get
the blasted thing to run, with paths correct and all).  Modular allows
you to use what you want and cut the fat.  I know this is Pd-centric,
but that's the reason externals aren't integrated into the canonical
source code very often.  We want a light framework for which we can
choose the extras.  This keeps things simple and light.

Besides, think of all the cool stuff the classic electroaccoustic
composers have done with nothing but bandpassed noise!


On Apr 4, 2005 12:34 PM, andrew benson <cloudmachine99@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> David,
> I suggest starting small.  Come up with one slider
> that does something really nice, or a randomizing
> sequencer.  In my experience, an intensely complex and
> algorithmically sophisticated patch is too much to
> handle in a performance setting.  It's not like hiking
> the wilderness.   You don't have to prepare yourself
> for every possible music situation.  Make a patch that
> is specific to an immediate need.  I always dream of
> the all-purpose monolithic performance setup, but it's
> frankly unrealistic.  The point of making your own
> tools is that you can tailor them to your specific,
> idiosyncratic needs.  Leave the all-purpose stuff to
> the people at Adobe.


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