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[microsound] Re: microsound Digest 31 Mar 2005 22:35:39 -0000 Issue 1382

While working on the Locations Vol 1 & 2 compilations,
I had lots of opportunities to try to differentiate
between the different levels of participating in one's
field recordings, since many of the contributors were
making field recordings for the first time. The term I
was using was at the time was "non-performative
sounds" - which attempted to rule out several
techniques commonly included in the term "field
recording", like recording musicians/bands, or
affecting the environment you're recording (such as
throwing a rock in a lake or scaring the pigeons). 

Funny Aaron should mention the effect on the outside
environment on the music at the Luggage Store. As a
music curator there, I notice that the street noises
become a part of one of the performances at least 3/4
of the time there. Sometimes it's a firetruck that
gets sampled into someone's open mic laptop setup. At
other times instrumentalists will start imitating or
playing along with the streetcar rail & bell sounds. 

Matt Davignon

> For me some of my best moments have happened
> presenting work at the
> Luggage Store here in SF, which is perched above a
> noisy section of
> "sketchy" Market Street -- the whistles,
> above-ground rail, subway, crazy
> people, pimps, sirens, etc. inevitably integrate
> into whatever I'm doing
> and several times I've been able to blend the
> boundaries enough to provoke
> people to talk with me about afterwards.
> If someone momentarily forgets what they're
> "supposed" to be listening to
> and hears everything in their environment naively...
> I consider my work
> done. :)

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