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Re: [microsound] outsider artists
thank you, i've been saying that ever since i first came upon songs in the
key of z...
i also do not enjoy him setting himself up as the authrotiy on outsider
stuff everywhere from yahoo groups to livejournals...
the label outsider is really sticky... labels say more about the person
applying them, than they do anything about music/round/art...
that holds true for outsider, microsound, idm (stanky term), pwer
electronics, oops, excuse me Power Electronics...
hey kim, can you post the bootings for entertainment value?
----- Original Message -----
From: "jacob felix heule" <jfheule@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] outsider artists
I'm not really into Irwin Chusid. Two reasons: (1) He looks at his
subjects with mockery. He talks about Jandek, but only derides him for
being the worst "musician" ever to attempt making a record. I don't
think he sees anything in music like that other than a weird cultural
phenomenon to archive, make fun of, and profit from. (2) He classes
artists like Harry Partch and Captain Beefheart alongside artists like
Wesley Willis and Shooby Taylor. There are major differences between
these two groups, which I think should be clear to anyone here.
On 5/25/05, ian stewart <artsonics@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> the intrepid diy-music preservationist, Irwin Chusid. He is also, of
course, the
> author of Songs in the Key of Z: The Curious Universe of Outsider Music
> (2000, A Cappella Books).
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