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Re: [microsound] ovalprocess - Average laptop geek?

On May 23, 2005, at 3:05 PM, tm wrote:

""""as for the "Average laptop geek? " ...sure you will agree that, like there are one too many records made with drummachines and a tb-303, there are too many records made with laptop?"""""

No i absolutley dont agree. The same can be said about traditional instruments. Too much music is being made with them. Its all so passe. How old is the piano? Violin? Guitar? And people are still arranging music with them? How vain!

""""- the point here is that like the example wih some synched up drummachines and synths, its very easy to create something that sounds ok/cool - same with computers, but very few explores beyond the interface presets resulting in assembly line musics....
beginning to sound like Popp himself here..better stop:)
but I mean what im saying."""""

Its easy to do so with any musical medium wether it be traditional or not. Again its up to the artist to "create" a work that can captivate an audience, or garner appreciation. I dont see the difference between all the crap on main stream radio and the crap in IDM and Micro sound. Just because computer related gernres have become more popular then in the past and is expereinceing what traditional musical genres have since its inception, does not make it less valid of a musical genre. If anything it more so vaildates it because it is following in the same footsteps as every other genre that came before it.

Underground = cool/artsy/hip/smart. Popular = not cool/not artsy/sellout.

Regardless of how convoluted "any" gerne gets you can still find great music being made by alot of people. I think its one of the funnest/most rewarding aspects of being into music, finding music/works that touch you for what ever reason, material that you feel passionate about.


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