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[microsound] Yamatanka Eye's weird light orb MIDI controller dealies

Hi all -

Sorry for the cross-post if any of you are on the Boredoms list.

For those of you that have caught any of the recent Boredoms US shows:
Does anyone know anything about the cool light orb MIDI controller
dealies that Eye was using? They looked fairly homemade, but it's hard
to tell. I've never seen anything like them on the market, has anyone
else? Any ideas as to how they work? There's the obvious
gyroscope-looking dynamic. A friend of mine also noted that they
seemed to be triggered by some sort of theremin-esque mechanism as
well, as they seemed like they might change their output depending on
their location relative to each other. Interesting stuff.

For those of you that couldn't make it, here are some photos of the
orbs in question (not my photos):

The orbs made noises that got louder and moe intense when he moved
them around. The duct tape that you can see on that last one makes
them look pretty darned homemade. In addition, I noticed that there
was a switch or two on them. Makes sense. I would guess that the
switch would be for changing the particular noises the orbs were
making. Another person who was there also noticed one or more
footswitches going on.

Anyway, any thoughts or observations on these things? Anyone ever seen
anything like these on the market, either in the States or in Japan?


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