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Re: [microsound] Re: richard devine sets some fancy keyboard alight...
I *think* the point you're trying to make is that smashing instruments
is old and played, but can potentially be neat in new contexts. Is
that correct?
Also, why is it played in the first place? "Just because" or "it's
obvious why" or "because it's been done to death" are all invalid, as
they are arguments that are based on what the user has experienced and
what context they're viewing the act through. I'd argue that it isn't
the *action* of smashing an instrument that causes the performance to
suck, it's the *context* of said smashing. Avril Lavigne blows pretty
hard. On the other hand, I watched Moe! Staiano brutally retire his
axe with a baseball bat this weekend, and that was wonderful.
On 5/23/05, tasty radish <tastyradish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> there is 'genuine' ambivalence about this, including
> on the part of devine (i.e. that he was asked to do
> it-- rather then he taking an attitude of relatively
> proudly having done it, freely with a capital F)... so
> those who are mortally offended by critiques in this
> scenario ('armchairers should shut up or do something
> better' breakdown)is the new, unambivalent step.
> It is so obvious that it is almost deadening to say
> it, but acts of smashing instruments is a _very_
> big-icon-done-to-death performance (hendrix, etc.).
> In this case, it seems like just a new entry into that
> rock and roll hall of fame criteria of
> 'performance'... Though, other things are going on ,
> by the act of re-cycling it in this context, no doubt.
> Still, primordial/shamanistic energy performance IS,
> on its own right a release (even if the crazy,
> alienated post-war kids' Instrument has been smashed a
> million time before.. I guess)... cool.
> But, if we're re-cycling _super_ tried-and-true
> approaches -- which in particular have by now an overt
> support in the Commercial order of Rebellion Inc. --
> then other things are going on... i.e. regressive
> comfort/nostalgia masked as Spirit-Of-The-Wolf ->
> commerical, consumerist impulses therefore above and
> beyond anything else... taking over 'genuine'
> "primordial" experiences, you see... making them
> safe-n'-sexy for the next alienated, meaningless
> purshcase on the mall strip of Teenage Wildlife Corp.
> I am just wondering... cause, ilove some good ole
> primordial jazz as much as the next fella.
> -Andrew
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