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RE: [microsound] process [was :new autechre]
Paulo Mouat wrote on 5/8/05:
>brought to the fore that the article was written in 1955 as a reaction
>to the integral serialism movement, and as such became outdated almost
>immediately: the Darmstadt crowd had already abandoned integral
>serialism or would do so shortly after, evolving the more permissive
>idiom of regular serialism in a more plastic approach.
Hi Paulo-
To the extent it became outdated, I think you'd have to acknowledge that
Xenakis continued his view at least until 1967, when he introduced his
theory of Sieves (in "Vers une metamusique") with a rehash of his
polemic against serialism.
So is Xenakis at both "perceptive" in 1955 and "outdated" in 1967?
He certainly offers some warm observations of Schoenberg by the time of
the Varga interviews...
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