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Re: [microsound] re: I (HEART) SND

What exactly did snd invent? be specific.

On 5/6/05, david turgeon <dt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> yo
> > i must admit that i am a huge fan of SND and mark's work.
> > (hence the LINE release of MARK FELL's TEN TYPES OF ELSEWHERE on
> > LINE=20=
> > which i released... which is wonderful and almost sold out i think..=20
> > get em now)
> i totally agree. snd invented everything. yet, none of their numerous
> copycats ever managed to match their skills, notably "architectural".
> like i was saying to a friend recently, the only things people ever
> thought was important in their work is the "woosh" vacuum cleaner
> sound. which led to countless straight 4/4 "click house" outings which
> nobody is capable to listen to nowadays. (YES, i'm overgeneralising.)
> contrast with any snd album: put it on, it still works. & the three
> CDs are pretty different from each other, too. (& there's the two 12"s
> & the nice 7" with the locked grooves too, & i might be forgetting some
> more.)
> last time snd came to montreal, for mutek, most people hated it because
> it wasn't the harmless square ambience they expected from an electronic
> act. snd were building their tracks live & they were pulling out some
> of the most original constructions i've ever heard. i'm almost sure
> there was a fair amount of improv in their set. i wish that show had
> been recorded.
> ah yeah, & mark fell's album on richard's label falls along the lines
> of those great pieces of inexplicable high abstraction electronics,
> like florian hecker's _[ot] xackpy breakpoint_ or haiven/vaughn's
> _front_ (i'm sure there are more of that ilk, it's just people never
> talk about them).
> structure, a lost art.
> have a nice day
> ~ david
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