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Re: [microsound] new autechre
They discovered Max MSP eons ago.
Just listened to the whole album. I think its pretty good, but then im
one of those lesser beings who actually likes Hip hop, not mainstream
mind you, but hip hop with substance.
I went out and got the album after having an intelligent debate with a
freind of mine on this list about peoples reactions to the album. Its
funny but its the warmest stuff they have done in eons.
While i do feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion i find it
funny how we as humans love to disparage what we dont like or
understand. Our inate ability to segregate oursevles from our fellow
man is awe inspiring. I thought true artist learned to appreciate all
forms of self expression, and use that knowledge to further themselves?
Is Ludicrous any different then David Byrne?
Algorythmic. Is not almost all music algorythmic? What are those
rules you follow when you play a dorian scale on your guitar. What is
time and measure to music and its relationship to math and Algorythms?
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